Cyber Wellness Programme
Cyber Wellness (CW) refers to the positive well-being of Internet users. It involves an understanding of online behaviour and awareness of how to protect oneself and other Internet users in cyberspace.
In BPPS, we aim to empower our students to become responsible digital learners. We adopt MOE’s Cyber Wellness Framework in planning and implementing our CW curriculum. The three key processes of Sense, Think and Act highlight the stages that a student undergoes to prepare himself/herself to self-manage in cyberspace.
Level |
Theme |
MOE Framework |
Surf Safe Rules
Respect for self and others |
Stay safe in cyberworld
Safe and responsible use |
Positive peer influence |
Sense-Think-Act Process
Students are encouraged to share and reflect on CW issues with their peers. For students with strong communication skills and leadership potential, they may be selected as CW monitors and/or CW Ambassadors. These student leaders serve as role models and advocates in sharing the messages of CW with their peers.