School Rules
School Rules
Students are to wear the prescribed school uniform and modification to the uniform is not allowed.
All students must be in full uniform/school Physical Education (PE) attire when they are in school or when attending any activities organised by the school.
All students must be in school uniform during school days except on days when they have PE, CCA and PAL.
School Uniform
Girls |
- White blouse with green pinafore of decent length, plain white socks
and shoes.
Boys |
- White shirt with green shorts, plain white socks and shoes.
PE Attire |
- White PE T-shirt and green shorts.

Personal Grooming
Girls |
- Girls’ hair should be neat and tidy.
Boys |
- Male students must be clean-shaven and neat in appearance. |
All |
- Dyeing of hair is not allowed.

General discipline
Students must attend school daily on school days. Skipping lessons and truancy are serious offenses.
Students who are Singapore citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the Pledge. Students will take the Pledge with the right fist over the heart.
Orderliness and silence must be observed during flag-raising ceremony.
Students maybe only leave the classroom with permission of the teacher.
Eating and drinking is allowed in designated places.
Students must queue when buying food or drinks from the stalls in the canteen. They must returned used utensils to the respective receptacles provided in the canteen.
Students must help to keep the school clean by not littering.
Students should keep the toilets clean and flush after use.
All students must vacate the classrooms during recess. Students are allowed into the classrooms only when there is a teacher with them.
Students are reminded to walk in an orderly manner from place to place.
Students are to adhere to instructions pertaining to the use of facilities posted at different areas of the school.
Students should be respectful, honest and courteous to everyone.
Students are to be cooperative and respect prefects at all times.
Students are strongly discouraged from bringing handphones to school.
Toys, handheld games consoles and other electronic devices not related to any school activities are not allowed to be brought to school.
Students are to be responsible for their own belongings.
Students are not allowed to have any weapons in their possession. They are also not allowed to bring any weaponlike items which can be used or intended to be used to cause harm to others.